Near the end of my Master's program, I was asked to reflect on the experience. An experience that was incredibly challenging and life changing.
Below is the love letter to that experience.
Love Letter to ESR
Could you Love
the Whole World?
This is Eden
An ecosexual Buddhist perspective on Eros, Philia, and Agape
Weaving of Tantric philosophy with the plastic free movement
What happens when terrapsychology, ecosexuality, and spirituality co-create
The desire to categorize different forms of love by the type of actions that you do within each relationship has buried creation, the essence of love, beneath rules, misconceptions and fear. Through religious teachings, societal pressures, and generations of beliefs passed like the game of telephone, the relationship to sexuality as a collective has become twisted.
“Plastic seems to touch everything” and my journey with plastic has affected me in almost every facet of my life. I discovered creativity inside of me. I learned patience, thoughtfulness, and consideration. I reformed my relationship with plastic, recovering from an addiction to disposable culture. I found the space to laugh more and cry harder. I began to see a whole new way of looking at the world. I transformed from wasteful to zero waste to unwasted. I gained an embodied realization that matter cannot be destroyed nor created, but only transformed.
Terrapsychology and its methods embody openness and curiosity to alternative ways of knowing.
Ecosexuality comes in many forms including sexual orientation, eco-friendly sex products, a way of relating and loving with humans, trees, the moon, or the collective.
Spirituality is the deep parts of us that wonder, and often aches at, why?
The merging of terrapsychology, ecosexuality, and spirituality has birthed Terrasexuality. A way of incorporating dreams, ancestry, and imagination into a relationship between ecology and sexuality and still allowing for deep soul fulfillment.